Use the services of the Mobile Town Hall
This service, provided by Radotín town hall to local inhabitants whose age or disabilities make it more difficult for them to get to the right office in person when they need to deal with certain matters, has now been functional for more than two years.
This above-standard service, provided within the area of Radotín, is intended for the handicapped and for persons older than 75 years of age. Setting up the service did not cost town hall any extra set-up costs since it was not acquiring any special mobile workplaces – existing technology and vehicles are used instead.
A fully-qualified employee from the relevant workplace, knowledgeable in the issue at hand, heads out into the field to see people, advising them on the spot in terms of how to deal with a particular matter and which papers or documents they will require. Certain matters can even be attended to there and then on the very first visit; otherwise, the official can return after dealing with the matter at the authority. The Mobile Town Hall (Mobilní radnice) service encompasses 13 specific activities (areas of work) handled by the City District Authority for Prague 16 and one handled by Technical Services Prague – Radotín.

The services (areas of work) included in the Mobile Town Hall service
- authentication of documents
- local dog taxes
- acquisition of public areas
- advice and assistance when moving into care homes
- records of the population and personal documents (ID cards)
- social advice (contributions, foster care, social and legal protection of children, public guardian)
- assistance in applying for social contributions at the Employment Office of the Czech Republic (Úřad práce ČR)
- advice for builders
- reserved parking spaces for the severely handicapped
- issuing fishing licences
- felling wood species growing outside the forest (advice and assistance in completing applications)
- flood plans for property
- accommodation at the recreation facility in Chroboly
- graveyard space lease prices
Where to request the service
City District Authority for Prague 16 (ÚMČ Praha 16)
Office of the Authority
náměstí Osvoboditelů 21/2a office, room 17
Contact persons: Kateřina Drmlová, Pavel Jirásek, Petra Mrázková
telephone: 234 128 201